Free for hospitalsFree for hospitals
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Free to Hospitals

User-friendly, effective, interconnected


Our solution helps hospitals deliver:

Better health outcomes

Higher patient satisfaction

Increased revenue


Automate clinical notes with click-based suggestions. Access tailored Outpatient, A & E, ward & specialty modules. View graphs of vital signs and test results
An illustration of a  computer
Auto-generate invoices for clinical requests. Patients can pay invoices in-app. Submit claims, track payment status and download reports
An illustration of a perscription
Link drugs & consumables to patient accounts. Manage stores efficiently. Compound medication, monitor unfilled prescriptions & grow revenue
An illustration of an atom
Link results to clinic notes, view graphs of historical test results. Manage pricing, revenue and reference values effortlessly
An illustration of a  computer
Attend telemedicine chats or video calls with clinicians. Patients can share medical info in advance for efficient care delivery
An illustration of a surgeon
Efficiently handle appointments, patient insurance information and reduce patient wait times. Easily scan paper records and access analytics
An illustration of a health symbol
Track finances & insurance claims. View clinical & operational data on dashboards. Auto-generate reports for easier management
An illustration of a surgeon
Onboard staff easily: enter facility & staff details. Each person receives a password setup link & you’re off to the races!
An illustration of a perscription
Work on the cloud or offline. Boost staff productivity with our EMR mobile app. Match patients to consulting rooms using our digital display system
Clinical modules:
Built for doctors, nurses & specialties
Automate clinical notes with click-based suggestions. Access tailored Outpatient, A & E, ward & specialty modules. View graphs of vital signs and test results
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Finance: Track payments & claims easily
An illustration of a paper
Auto-generate invoices for clinical requests. Patients can pay invoices in-app. Submit claims, track payment status and download reports
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Pharmacy: Track prescriptions, revenue & inventory
An illustration of a clipboard
Link drugs & consumables to patient accounts. Manage stores efficiently. Compound medication, monitor unfilled prescriptions & grow revenue
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Laboratory: Manage samples, results & revenue easily
An illustration of a pharmacy
Link results to clinic notes, view graphs of historical test results. Manage pricing, revenue and reference values effortlessly
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Telemedicine: Maximize value with virtual consults
An illustration of a doctor
Attend telemedicine chats or video calls with clinicians. Patients can share medical info in advance for efficient care delivery
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Front Desk: Effortlessly manage patient flow
An illustration of an atom
Efficiently handle appointments, patient insurance information and reduce patient wait times. Easily scan paper records and access analytics
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Reporting & Analytics: View clinical, financial & admin metrics
An illustration of an x-ray
Track finances & insurance claims. View clinical & operational data on dashboards. Auto-generate reports for easier management
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Onboarding: Get started within minutes
An illustration of a  computer
Onboard staff easily: enter facility & staff details. Each person receives a password setup link & you’re off to the races!
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General features: Move your practice forward
An illustration of a computer
Work on the cloud or offline. Boost staff productivity with our EMR mobile app. Match patients to consulting rooms using our digital display system
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An illustration of a  computer
Self-enroll clients & corporates. Provide staff policy management portal to client HR. Provide renewal reminders & plan self-upgrades
An illustration of a health symbol
Easily analyze large amounts of granular data: clinical patterns, historical enrollee usage, provider patterns, MLR trends and much more
An illustration of a perscription
Automate enrollee verification & pre-authorizations. Receive pre-vetted preauthorization requests. Chat in-app with providers
An illustration of an atom
Receive automatically pre-vetted claims, adjudicate & track paid/unpaid claims easily. View historical claims, trends & flag anomalies
Leverage our patient app to provide clinical data, teleconsults & HMO data to enrollees. Get feedback & push personalized notifications
Enrollment: Seamlessly onboard enrollees
An illustration of a clipboard
Self-enroll clients & corporates. Provide staff policy management portal to client HR. Provide renewal reminders & plan self-upgrades
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Reporting & Analytics: Make data-driven decisions
An illustration of a  computer
Easily analyze large amounts of granular data: clinical patterns, historical enrollee usage, provider patterns, MLR trends and much more
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Pre-authorizations: Speed up processes to save client time
An illustration of a perscription
Automate enrollee verification & pre-authorizations. Receive pre-vetted preauthorization requests. Chat in-app with providers
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Claims management: Efficiently treat claims & grow margins
An illustration of a pharmacy
Receive automatically pre-vetted claims, adjudicate & track paid/unpaid claims easily. View historical claims, trends & flag anomalies
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Patient/Enrollee app: Provide a tailored enrollee experience
An illustration of an atom
Leverage our patient app to provide clinical data, teleconsults & HMO data to enrollees. Get feedback & push personalized notifications
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An illustration of an atom
Track vital signs, get diagnosis, prescriptions & clinical results. Manage hospital appointments, wallet details & balance
In-app features: Own a copy of your healthcare data
An illustration of an x-ray
Track vital signs, get diagnosis, prescriptions & clinical results. Manage hospital appointments, wallet details & balance
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How Neo works

Learn more about the comprehensive features
built to suit your needs

Neo EHR for clinics and hospitals

Grow revenue, improve staff efficiency

View revenues, track unpaid claims & provide clinical opinions on the go. Save staff time & deliver high quality patient care

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dashboard showing neo health EMR
dashboard showing neo health EMRdashboard showing neo health EMR

Neo Insure for HMOs

Ultra-efficient. Unbeatable experience

Enhance value to enrollees. Automate verification, preauthorization & have claims pre-vetted. Stay ahead of fraud, waste & abuse

View detailed features

myNeo for patients & HMO clients

Have a copy of your healthcare data

Hold your HMO data & family health records from multiple hospitals. Schedule appointments, have in-app telemedicine consults

View detailed features

Neo Features


  • Supports SNOMED & maps to other clinical terminologies: ICD-10, LOINC, RxNorm, NANDA, NIC, NOC
  • Automates clinical notes based on clickable suggestions
  • Cloud-based, with offline capabilities
  • Web & mobile-based: Android, iOS
  • Efficiently manages billing & finance
  • Supports integration with multiple insurers
  • Handles hospital groups, standalone pharmacies and laboratories
  • Supports independent practitioner access


  • Easily set up new hospitals & hospital groups
  • Create multiple in-hospital dispensaries, external pharmacy groups or laboratories
  • Onboard seamlessly as an independent practitioner

Front Desk

  • Register new patients
  • Create patient appointments
  • Create invoices & handle payments
  • View patient’s insurance information
  • Automatically verify insured patients & reduce wait times
  • Handle in-app claims review, adjudication and submission
  • Scan existing paper records
  • Easily handle analytics & generate reports

Outpatient & Inpatient modules

  • Access Nurse & doctor modules for Accident & Emergency, Inpatient and Outpatient clinics
  • View graphs of vital signs, clinical investigation results
  • Track medication administered and missed doses
  • Attach and view pictures of physical examination findings
  • Assign tasks, highlight issues for attention by colleagues
  • Autogenerate patient consults & referrals
  • View an encounter timeline of patients’ clinical entries
  • Autogenerate nursing records & doctors’ notes
  • Use on web browser, tablet or mobile phone


  • View prescriptions from doctors
  • Invoice and fill prescriptions and record external sales
  • Manage single and multiple pharmacies
  • Effectively manage inventory including by expiry dates & batches
  • Handle medication compounding
  • Handle medication compounding
  • Integrated directly with Claims Submission module


  • View clinical investigation requests from doctors
  • Enter external investigation requests
  • Invoice and manage payments
  • Record and review results, view graphs of clinical investigation results
  • Update laboratory reference values
  • Manage payments & revenues
  • Integrated directly with Claims submission module

In-hospital messaging & notifications

  • Chat with staff & better connect across clinical teams
  • Communicate directly with integrated HMOs to speedily resolve issues
  • Get in-app notifications of relevant clinical and patient data


  • Schedule telemedicine appointments
  • Attend virtual appointments via chat, audio or video calls with doctors or hospitals


  • View clinical, administrative and finance dashboards
  • Track financial outstanding payments and insurance claims
  • Set up and autogenerate administrative reports


  • Create and view invoices, initiate and track payments
  • Autogenerate proforma invoices from clinical requests: ward admissions, meals, procedures & plan items
  • View revenue and payment history
  • View patient wallet balances
  • View insurance claims history and track settled claims
  • Automatically verify insured patients
  • Autogenerate preauthorization requests
  • Chat with insurance provider & handle claims adjudication directly
  • Submit claims from within the platform easily
  • Accurately track outstanding amounts and unpaid insurance claims

TV display module

  • Use our digital display system: automatically notify patients when it’s their turn
  • Match patients to doctors & consulting rooms seamlessly

Enrolment portal

  • Support self-enrolment by individuals, families and staff of corporate & group clients
  • Provide bulk enrollee management portal to corporate client HR: enhanced enrollee onboarding & offboarding, analytics
  • Utilize Underwriting feature, generate pro-forma invoices for prospective corporate & group clients
  • Automatically generate electronic HMO IDs in-app
  • Automatically provide policy renewal reminders & pro-forma invoices
  • Support self-review & plan upgrades, hospital and hospital tier changes

Verifications & Pre-authorizations module

  • Automate enrollee verification in the EHR
  • View & manage pre-vetted preauthorization requests
  • Save patients’ time by automating pre-authorizations
  • Chat with healthcare provider, handle claims adjudication directly
  • Link previous chats to submitted claims

Claims management module

  • Hospitals can easily submit claims from within the EHR or upload claims in bulk
  • Track submitted and automatically pre-vetted claims
  • Handle claims adjudication
  • Efficiently track paid/unpaid claims
  • View historical claims on a per hospital or per enrollee basis


  • Review historical enrollee usage statement by enrollee, family or corporate & group clients
  • Review historical claims and non-financial data over time
  • Automatically track medical loss ratios over time
  • Generate reports covering various clinical and financial metrics

Patient app:

  • Automatically generate electronic HMO IDs in-app
  • Automatically provide policy renewal reminders & pro-forma invoices
  • Renew policy in-app & set up automated renewals
  • Deploy telemedicine as first line of care
  • Get patient feedback and update information via the patient app
  • Manage insurance data

Patient Apps

  • View and schedule hospital appointments
  • Get history of past appointments
  • Keep a copy of specific clinical data: vital signs, symptoms, diagnoses, prescriptions and lab results
  • Receive medication reminders & record medication usage
  • Give feedback on your health status and hospital experience
  • Use the in-app symptom checker
  • View your wallet details and balance; View transaction history
  • Receive invoices and make payments in-app
  • View Insurance details
  • Have telemedicine appointments in-app
  • Retain medical history of children and dependents

Specialty Modules

  • Primary healthcare (PHC)
  • O&G
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dental
  • Physiotherapy