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Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I use Neo from my device?

Yes, Neo can be accessed from your device with or without a data subscription or internet connection. If you’re in Nigeria and use MTN or Airtel networks, you can use a 2G/EDGE or stronger network connection.

What level of support is provided for users of the Neo platform?

Neo provides various levels of support: online resources, tutorials and online chat with our dedicated customer success team, as well as personalized support within your facility. The level of support provided will depend on the needs of your facility. Contact us if you need personalized support.

What is Neo EMR software?

Neo EMR is an electronic medical records (EMR) software designed for healthcare providers to manage patient information, clinical notes, invoicing & revenues, inventory and other relevant data.

How does Neo EMR handle in-hospital messaging between staff?

Neo EMR enables staff members to send and receive messages within and across clinical teams, allowing for efficient communication and collaboration on patient care.

How does Neo EMR notify users of targeted clinical and other relevant patient information?

Neo EMR has a notification system that alerts users to relevant patient information, such as lab results, medication changes, or appointment updates, in-app. Neo also sends notifications when an item is assigned to a colleague or highlighted for their attention, or on receipt of clinical investigation results.

Is Neo based on, or does it work with any clinical terminologies?

Yes, Neo is based on SNOMED clinical terminology and maps to other clinical terminologies (ICD-10, LOINC, RxNorm and others), providing a comprehensive and standardized way to manage patient data.

How does the automated clinical notes on the Neo EMR work?

The Neo EMR provides targeted clickable suggestions for automated clinical notes, allowing for streamlined documentation and improved efficiency in the clinical workflow. Neo’s suggestions are tailored to the presenting complaints entered by the user; Neo provides specific character and association finding options for the user to select.

Is Neo EMR cloud-based?

Yes, Neo EMR is a cloud-based solution, providing secure and convenient access to patient data from any location with internet access. Additionally, the EMR platform can still be accessed without a data subscription or internet connection. If you’re in Nigeria and use MTN or Airtel networks, you can use a 2G/EDGE or stronger network connection.

Can Neo EMR be accessed through a web browser?

Yes, Neo EMR can be accessed through a web browser on desktop, tablet or mobile, providing a flexible and accessible platform for healthcare providers.

Does Neo EMR have a mobile app?

Yes, Neo EMR offers a mobile app, allowing providers to access patient information and perform tasks on the go, with or without a data subscription or internet connection. If you’re in Nigeria and use MTN or Airtel networks, you can use a 2G/EDGE or stronger network connection.

Does Neo EMR offer billing and finance capabilities?

Yes, Neo EMR provides billing and finance capabilities, allowing for efficient management of patient billing, revenues, insurance claims and financial information.

Can Neo integrate with other healthcare software systems?

Yes, Neo is designed to integrate with other healthcare software systems, providing a comprehensive and connected platform for managing patient data and workflows. It also supports interconnectivity and collaboration across clinical care teams and healthcare stakeholders

Does Neo EMR provide training and support to users?

Yes, Neo EMR offers training and support to users, with online resources, tutorials and chat with our dedicated customer success team, to ensure they are equipped to use the software effectively and efficiently. Contact us if you need personalized support.

How does Neo EMR ensure data security and privacy?

Neo EMR uses advanced security measures and protocols to protect patient data, such as encryption, access controls, firewalls and regular backups.

What is Neo EMR, and what services does it offer for healthcare organizations?

Neo EMR is an electronic medical records system developed by PlateauMed. It has various modules including clinical and non-clinical metrics dashboards, payments & claims tracking, prescriptions, revenue & Inventory management, patient & staff engagement channels, reports & analytics for managing operations, performance, quality, planning, decision-making, and projects.

What is the process for onboarding hospital or hospital staff onto Neo EMR?

To onboard new users onto the Neo EMR, an administrator of the hospital or clinic must first sign up for an account with PlateauMed. Once the account is created, the administrator adds facility details and thereafter adds the staff members (learn more from user guides).

Can doctors onboard themselves as independent practitioners on the Neo EMR platform? If so, what is the process for doing so, and what features are available to them?

Yes, doctors can onboard themselves as independent practitioners on the Neo EMR platform. To do so, they must sign up for an account on the PlateauMed website and select the option to register as an independent practitioner. Once their account is created, they can access the Neo EMR platform and begin using its features, such as managing patient records, prescribing medications, and viewing test results. However, as an independent practitioner, they may have limited access to certain features that are typically only available to hospital or clinic administrators (learn more from user guides).

If I already have an existing EMR, will I need to start over if I switch to the Neo EMR platform?

If you switch to the Neo EMR system, you may be able to migrate your existing data over to the new system, but this will depend on the specific details of your current EMR system and the data it stores. Contact us for more personalized support.

How can I register a new patient on Neo EMR?

To register a new patient, click on the “add new patient” button upon login to the Front Desk module. This opens a dialogue box where you are requested to fill in the patient details including the personal and medical information. Once that is done, click on save and close (learn more from user guides).

How do I create a new patient appointment in Neo EMR?

Click on the “create Appointments” button. Fill in the patient's name, date, time, provider details and save the appointment (learn more from user guides).

Can I generate invoices for patient visits and services on Neo EMR

Yes, you can generate invoices for patient visits and services by using the Billing module in Neo EMR. You can also view and manage payments made by patients through this module. (learn more from user guides).

How can I view a patient's insurance information on Neo EMR?

The first way is to search for the patient’s name, if the patient is not already on the appointments tab, then click on the arrow icon if the patient’s name carries an orange stripe, to view the insurance information. The second way is to view the insurance information from patient’s profile. (learn more from user guides).

Does Neo EMR automatically verify insurance coverage for patients

Yes, Neo EMR has an automated insurance verification feature that checks the patient's insurance coverage and eligibility before their appointment for HMOs that have integrated with Neo, or that use some or all of the NeoInsure platform. This helps ensure that patients have active coverage and that the provider will be reimbursed for services rendered.

Can I scan and upload existing paper records into Neo EMR?

Yes, Neo EMR has a feature that allows users to scan and upload existing paper records. There are two ways to get paper records into the EMR. You can either scan document directly through the app by selecting the "Scan Document" option on front desk module, and choosing your preferred scanner or upload an already scanned paper record by simply clicking on the profile menu, select the “upload paper records” option and click on “upload files” from computer or drag and drop files. (learn more from user guides).

Can the Neo EMR software be customized to suit the specific needs of my facility?

Yes, the Neo EMR software can be customized to suit the specific needs of your facility. Contact us for more personalized support.

How secure is my patient data on the Neo EMR platform?

The Neo EMR system employs advanced security measures, such as encryption, firewalls, and access controls, to protect patient data and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

Can multiple users access the same patient record on the Neo EMR platform?

No. Multiple users which include clinical staff cannot add to the patient’s record while it is in current use by the doctor. The Neo EMR automatically activates the “busy icon” that indicates that the patient’s record is currently in use.

Is training required to use the Neo EMR platform, and how long does it take to set up?

While training is not always required to use the Neo EMR platform due to its ease of use. However, we ensure that all users are familiar with the system and its features by making available training videos and other material on the website. The length of time it takes to set up the Neo EMR platform will depend on the size and complexity of your facility, as well as the level of customization required. Contact us for more personalized support and in-person training.

Can I import patient data from other sources into the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, Neo's EMR platform allows you to import patient data from other sources, such as electronic health records or Excel spreadsheets, to facilitate the transition to the new system and ensure continuity of care. Contact us for more technical support on transitioning.

Can I request pre-authorizations or submit claims using the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, you can request preauthorizations and submit claims using the Neo EMR platform.

What is the average time it takes to process claims using the Neo EMR platform?

The average time it takes to process claims using the Neo EMR platform will depend on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the claims and the speed of your internet connection.

Is the Neo EMR platform HIPAA-compliant?

Yes, the Neo EMR platform is designed to be HIPAA-compliant and includes security measures to protect patient data.

Does the Neo EMR platform offer clinical decision support tools to assist healthcare professionals in making treatment decisions?

Yes, the Neo EMR platform includes clinical decision support tools to assist healthcare professionals in making informed treatment decisions.

Can healthcare organizations access patient data remotely using the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, healthcare organizations can access patient data remotely through the use of the Neo EMR platform.

Is the Neo EMR platform cloud-based or on-premises?

The Neo EMR platform can be either cloud-based or on-premises, depending on the needs and preferences of the healthcare organization.

How does the Neo EMR platform integrate with other healthcare systems?

The Neo EMR platform can integrate with other healthcare systems through the use of APIs and other integration methods.

Can healthcare organizations track revenue and payment data using the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, the Neo EMR platform includes features for tracking revenue and payment data.

Can healthcare organizations use the Neo EMR platform to manage patient appointments and schedules?

Yes, healthcare organizations can use the Neo EMR platform to manage patient appointments and schedules.

Does the Neo EMR platform include tools for managing electronic prescriptions?

Yes, the Neo EMR platform includes tools for managing electronic prescriptions.

Can healthcare professionals access the Neo EMR platform from mobile devices?

Yes, healthcare professionals can access the Neo EMR platform from mobile devices using the Neo EMR mobile app.

How is patient data protected on the Neo EMR platform?

Patient data on the Neo EMR platform is protected through the use of security measures, such as encryption and access controls.

Can healthcare organizations generate reports on performance and quality using the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, healthcare organizations can generate reports on performance and quality using the Neo EMR platform.

Does the Neo EMR platform offer support for clinical trials and research studies?

Yes, the Neo EMR platform includes features for supporting clinical trials and research studies.

Is technical support available for healthcare organizations using the Neo EMR platform?

Yes, technical support is available for healthcare organizations using the Neo EMR platform, and PlateauMed provides customer support to address any issues or questions related to the platform.

What is the Neo EMR Mobile App, and what can it be used for?

The Neo EMR Mobile App is a mobile application designed for healthcare providers to manage patient health records using their mobile devices. It can be used for a range of tasks, including viewing patient records, adding and editing patient information, ordering lab tests, prescribing medications, and communicating with other healthcare providers.

How do I download and install the Neo EMR Mobile App on my device?

To download and install the Neo EMR Mobile App, you can search for it in your device's app store, such as the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Once you find the app, click on the "Download" or "Install" button and wait for the installation to complete.

Is the Neo EMR Mobile App free to use, or is there a subscription fee?

The Neo EMR Mobile App is free to use. It is part of the Neo EMR platform, however it has premium features that require a subscription fee to access it.

Can I access all the features of the Neo EMR platform through the mobile app?

Not all features of the Neo EMR platform may be available through the mobile app. However, the app is designed to provide healthcare providers with access to the most important features needed for managing patient records on-the-go.

What security measures are in place to protect patient data on the Neo EMR Mobile App?

The Neo EMR platform includes security measures to protect patient data, including encryption, secure data transfer protocols, and access controls. The mobile app also has security features such as user authentication and data encryption to safeguard patient data.

Can I use the Neo EMR Mobile App without an internet connection?

The Neo EMR Mobile App may not be fully functional without an internet connection, as it requires access to the Neo EMR platform's servers to access and update patient records. However, some features of the app may be available offline, such as viewing patient records that have already been downloaded to the device.

Can I add and edit patient records using the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Yes, healthcare providers can add and edit patient records using the Neo EMR Mobile App.

Can I view medical histories and test results for my patients on the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Healthcare providers can view medical histories and test results for their patients on the Neo EMR Mobile App, provided the information has been entered into the patient's record.

Can I prescribe medications and order lab tests using the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Yes, healthcare providers can prescribe medications and order lab tests using the Neo EMR Mobile App, subject to any restrictions or regulations that may apply in their region or country.

Can I communicate with other healthcare providers and staff members through the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Healthcare providers can communicate with other healthcare providers and staff members using the Neo EMR Mobile App, through features such as secure messaging and task management.

Can I access clinical decision support tools and medical calculators on the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Yes, healthcare providers can access clinical decision support tools and medical calculators through the Neo EMR Mobile App.

Can I customize the Neo EMR Mobile App to suit the specific needs of my facility?

The Neo EMR Mobile App can be customized to suit the specific needs of a healthcare facility, such as customizing the patient record fields or setting access controls for users.

What kind of technical support is available for the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Technical support is available for the Neo EMR Mobile App through the Neo EMR platform's support channels, such as email, phone, or chat support. PlateauMed may also offer on-site support or training for users.

Can I access the Neo EMR Mobile App from multiple devices?

Yes, as long as you are logged in to your account on each device, you can access the Neo EMR Mobile App from multiple devices.

Does the Neo EMR Mobile App have voice recognition or dictation capabilities for adding patient notes?

Yes, the Neo EMR Mobile App may have voice recognition or dictation capabilities, depending on the specific version of the app and the capabilities of the device.

Can I share patient records or information with other healthcare providers or organizations using the Neo EMR Mobile App?

Yes, the Neo EMR Mobile App may have features that allow providers to share patient records or information with other healthcare providers or organizations, subject to any applicable privacy and security regulations.

What operating systems are compatible with the Neo EMR Mobile App

The compatibility of the Neo EMR Mobile App may vary depending on the specific version of the app and the operating system of the device. The app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices, but users should check the app store for specific compatibility requirements.